Club Captain's Rambling...

Pinch punch, first of the month... or should I say of the season? This month we will be kicking off our year, ready to train harder than ever before and show the rowing world what BLBC is made of.
Committee is all geared up for another fab year. In the process of finally equiping ourselves with a needed launch in order for our dedicated volunteers to help teach the future of BLBC. Many of you will be glad to know that this also marks the end of Gillians short & eventful lifetime (and the end to a beautiful relationship between Gillian and Jack Tooze).
On this note, I also want to say to all of the newly qualified doctors a massive thank you for all of the rowing & boozing they did in during their time at BLBC. Sadly it saw the departure of a fair few founding members of this club, but I'm very happy to see a new generation of BLBC to continue our successes on the Tideway. If any of our alumni are reading please take note of the race dates if you would like to support us.
As well as a new launch (with a 50% more powerful engine), we are also in the process of painting & chequering all of our blades in a bid to go faster than ever before. The sharpest among you may have also noticed that this website is also new. Mat spent a while using a new platform which should mean more content, online purchasing & most importantly less hacking.
That's all for now, will keep this section updated through the year. I hope to see you all at curry on the 20+1th of September to mark the start of the social calendar.